How to Use the Public Transport Pages

The menu on the left is a selection of the most important directions and gives a complete list of all busses and trains to the destination. Generally the bus connection is way better and more reliable.

By clicking on the menu item, the page with relevant data will be loaded to the main frame. You can skip the header, the only important information therein is the stop number – usually in the very first line where given.

The busses and trains are listed by the departure time followed by the unique identification number. A 6-digit number is a bus and a letter with 3 to 5 digits is a train: R,S - fast trains, O - slow trains. With busses, the route number is followed by the line number (1 to approx. 50). This gives you a chance to look it up in any Czech timetable: these two numbers are a unique bus identification.

Sometimes the bus platform number is given, marked as "St.".

Next is the destination place ("Cilova zastavka") which must be displayed on the bus when you get in. Last one or two times on the line are arrival times: to the destination and to the terminal station (in brackets).

Then there are a couple of signs denoting the periods of operation. Here is their list: a=weekends only, b=except Sundays, c=school days only, d=weekday except Friday, g=except Saturdays, r=restricted on Christmas, t=Christmas only, x=weekdays only, A (with trains)=weekends only, M=usually same as b, N=Saturdays only, P=Mondays only, S=Saturdays only, V=Fridays only. All other signs are bus-specific except + which is nearly identical to N.

With schedules for Prague, the departure station is given by letters F,H,M and P whose description is included in the header.

Have a safe journey!